Did you know Venture IQ features the easiest way to do data gathering?
Found a cool company online? Without leaving your browser session, you can now add that company to your collection directly.
Experience it yourself with our improved Venture IQ extension.
What can I do with the Venture IQ Extension?
- Add a description directly from your favourite company's website.
- Easily add LinkedIn, Crunchbase, and Twitter pages through automated lookup.
- Suggested countries are shown automatically and adding happens with one simple click!
So what are you waiting for? Click the button below to get the VIQ extension today.
- First click "Add to Chrome" to install the extension.
- Then click OK on both pop-ups, this will take you to the options page.
- Finally switch the ‘Allow access to file URLs’ toggle on for optimal use.
Make sure your settings look like this

So what happens now?
The extension icon in your browser will turn blue on every website you visit except Catalist and Google.
Click the Venture IQ icon to see if it’s in Catalist or add it directly to your collection.