
Cover your complete target market. With confidence.

Catalist helps investment teams source, track and manage more deals with automation and AI.

Join 100+ industry leaders that work with Venture IQ

Build proprietary company databases with minimal effort
2-5 times more relevant companies found
Automate company screening to build your pipeline
50% saved time through powerful automation
Collaborate to share and retain knowledge
Drive deals through collaboration
Deal Flow Management

Manage your deal flow with ease

Replace cluttered spreadsheets and save countless hours on manual data collection. With Catalist you can keep track of all your deal flow and collaborate with your colleagues on the deals that matter most. Efficient deal flow management and collaboration within one central platform.

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Total companies in dealflow
Example chart in dashboard
Venture IQ Company Icon
Dealflow breakdown
 Example chart in dashboard
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Deal Sourcing platform

Source more deals

The internet is a gold mine for proactive investment and innovation teams, but screening through thousands of websites to find the most promising companies is laborious and time-consuming. That’s why Venture IQ developed Catalist. A software platform to effortlessly integrate sources, databases, and scrape data to fuel your deal pipeline. Enable your team to find all relevant companies and source quality deals.

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Proprietary Company Database

One platform for all your company data

Own the data that sets your team up for success. With Catalist you can build a proprietary database of all companies in your investment universe. Create company profiles while browsing their website, automatically enrich them with relevant data and easily add your own insights. Never lose sight of an exciting company again.

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Any VC
Portfolio companies
Company logo in the dashboard
Company logo in the dashboard
Company logo in the dashboard
Company logo in the dashboard
Company Profile
Company logo in the dashboard
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Company Profile
Company logo in the dashboard
Venture IQ Company Icon
Company Profile
Company logo in the dashboard
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Company Profile
Company logo in the dashboard
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Catalist turns URLs into populated company profiles
Startup challenge software

The best ideas want to be found

Attract and connect with start-ups by hosting your own start-up challenge or let them reach out through your website. Hosting a startup challenge has never been simpler. With Catalist you can easily collect and assess the data of all companies that reach out to you on one central platform. From your website straight to your deal flow.

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Add intelligence and automation with Catalist

One platform to find, understand, collaborate, and track companies. Catalist harnesses automation, AI, and data analysis to drive efficiency in lead generation, company screening, deal flow management, and collaboration. Capitalize on Catalist to gather and process more companies to find your perfect match.

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artifical intelligence
machine learning
Venture IQ Company Icon
Feed of AI companies from Github
Venture IQ Company Icon
Your AI Collection
Venture IQ Company Icon
search in over 1 mln profiles from Github

Customer Stories

We work with leading M&A, innovation and strategy teams from companies in every industry to drive meaningful engagements.